Ruth Howard (artist)

Ruth Howard is a Canadian artist who creates large-scale arts and theatre projects with urban communities [1] and has been called "a key figure in the Canadian Community Play movement".[2] She is currently the Artistic Director of Jumblies Theatre, a company she founded in 2001.


Early work

Howard worked for many years as a professional theatre designer, as well as with various forms of popular and participatory arts and theatre.

In 1991, Howard was invited by Dale Hamilton to be a designer for the Spirit of Shivaree in Rockwood, Ontario. This introduction to the community play form was a life-changing experience that has inspired the course and nature of her work ever since.

Since then, Howard designed community plays in Blyth, Ontario; Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan; Enderby, British Columbia; and Torbay, England and Manchester, England. At the same time Howard began to produce and create her own theatre events: initially in school communities, but growing in size and complexity, until the production of South Riverdale’s Twisted Metal and Mermaids Tears (2000), a large-scale piece interweaving fantasy and oral history in English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

Jumblies Theatre

Following the success of these projects, Howard founded Jumblies Theatre in 2001 to support what had evolved as an approach of establishing multi-year residencies in urban communities leading to large-scale, participatory, performance pieces. These pieces were adapted from, but retaining many of the guiding principles of the Community Play model.

Jumblies Theatre has had projects such as:




Howard's family is integral to the work she does for Jumblies. She and Steve Cooper, her partner of twenty-five years, have three children: Shifra, Helah, and Eli . All are active participants in her projects and contributors to Jumblies Theatre.

Professional affiliations


External links